• MTG Singles

  • Sealed Product

  • Mystery Packages

  • Accessories


Hey there, I'm Sean Stahl. I've been passionate about both fitness and collecting Magic the Gathering cards for years. Recently, on March 5, 2024, I took the leap and decided to turn my card collection into a business.

Who am I?

I've been dedicated to fitness and sharing my journey on social media since the age of 16. What started as a personal passion soon transformed into a significant aspect of my life, allowing me to impact thousands of individuals worldwide through my videos and content.
My mission is to empower countless individuals in attaining their physical objectives, nurturing a resilient and proactive mindset, and fostering discipline. I aim to realize this vision through my business endeavors, including this business.

Looking to sell?

I'm constantly expanding my inventory and collection. Don't hesitate to reach out via email or Instagram DMs!

MTG Singles - up to 75% of market value, depending on condition and demand.

For MTG bulk or any other TCG product, feel free to message me directly.

If you have any website suggestions or feedback please let me know!

Congratulations on making it this far, traveler. Rest here and enjoy some wizard memes.